What Would Make Things Easier?

I don’t know if you caught it but my dear friend and every-time-challenge-taker Kate and I had a great discussion on Facebook live today about what it’s like to use the tools and practices from this program in daily life.

Well, we tried to Facebook live. We ended up having to zoom and then share that to Facebook (I can’t for the life of me understand why THAT ended up being the easiest option).

Kate said a bunch of very profound things during our conversation today. She talked about how the journey she has been on over the last year through all the Pleasure Challenges she’s taken has resulted in a sense of ease, playfulness and creativity that she had lost in the years leading up to when we started working together. Before, she felt dead inside.

Now she’s able to treat herself with curiosity and softness (and I have watched on in gleeful delight as this has emerged for her) and even though it was never her intention to end up here…this tenderness and softness and care she has discovered for herself has lead to her being a more “moral person.”

Morality is subjective, of course, but her point was that she is a better person. More attuned to herself and her own needs but also better able to honor other people’s boundaries and limits.

I should also say that this woman has had to endure the most astonishing cascade of trials and tribulations since the first Pleasure Challenge a little over a year ago. Diagnosed with an (as yet) incurable cancer just before the first session began, she underwent emergency back surgery in the last few days of that first Challenge. She has since, in the span of the last year: had neck surgery, started chemotherapy, ended a relationship, revisited that relationship, ended it again, moved repeatedly, and had nearly endless battles navigating our ridiculous and dehumanizing health care system.

It’s not little stuff.

And here, a year later, with life still very much up in the air she’s able to be playful. She’s able to be curious about whatever comes up which has given her more power and agency in both her life and in her medical care.

Kate has used the tools and practices of this program to wield more sovereignty over her life and her fate.

The Great Pleasure Challenge isn’t frivolous. Though it’s fun, for sure.

But it isn’t frivolous. It is spiritual and profound and powerful. And it is also simple and accessible.

But maybe most importantly the Pleasure Challenge is the safest and most direct route to transformation and living a life that is a celebration of your deepest values.

I am so honored to have received Kate’s trust (and she doesn’t give that stuff out willy-nilly). I am so honored to have received the trust of all the other intrepid souls who have joined me on the Challenge.

You are a wild bunch and I love you for it.

If you would like to spend three weeks with me and other brave and magical beings honoring your deepest and truest self so you can achieve peace and ease EVEN in the midst of total life fuckery… the next round starts March 9th (that’s next Saturday!).

Grab your spot here.

I would be so honored to be your Trail Guide on this journey.



p.s. if you want to watch our whole conversation you can find it on Facebook! Pop in your earbuds and listen along while you do your laundry. It’ll make the chores easier.

Amelia Lord

In my newsletters you're going to hear a lot about pleasure as a revolutionary pathway towards radical living, where "pleasure" signals a state of deep contentment and rightness. Subscribe if you are looking for permission, inspiration and direction in connecting with yourself and creating a life defined by profound fulfillment, alignment, and authentic self-connection.

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