Save the Date!


Reader, My sweet buttered noodle!

I hope February is being good to you!

There's a lot happening in the World of Pleasure, so take a look and mark your calendars.

February Events

Workshop "Using Dating Apps to Cure People-Pleasing: A Practical Guide" February 24th

If you're in the process of untangling people-pleasing from your life you've probably discovered that one of the hardest places to kick the habit is when it comes to dating and romantic relationships. That was certainly true for me! This workshop offers a practical and unusual method which is one of the best ways to undo those pesky people-pleasing dynamics. This is one of my most-requested workshops and it's the first time I'm making it available to the public. You won't want to miss it!

March Events

The Great Pleasure Challenge: Live From Your "Yes" and "No"

begins March 9th

"The Great Pleasure Challenge poses the question: "what if willpower was a last resort?"

The most fun way to ruin your life (and build a new one!) is coming back this March. If you've never taken the Great Pleasure Challenge you are in for a treat! And this newly restructured version offers even more depth, playfulness and fun. (Now at two different price points to better accommodate your specific needs for support and access).

If you've already taken the Challenge you already know how life-changing it is. This is a great opportunity to rewire your relationship to obligation. You'll walk away with a new way to approach life, decision-making, relationships...basically everything.

Prepare yourself for more ease and fun and much clearer and stronger boundaries.

What people are saying:

"Before working with Amelia and the Pleasure Challenge, I was deep in burnout, unable to find anything that could sustain me. Now, everything I do aligns with sustaining me."

"The Pleasure Challenge helped me realize I haven't been living from my heart for a long time and I'm finally connecting to what brings me joy, happiness and pleasure"

“The Great Pleasure Challenge has been a life changer.”

"The Pleasure Challenge really helped me slow down. Now I’m able to notice the feelings I’m having in the moment and I’m less attached to my anxiety."

"Focusing on pleasure is simplifying things enormously. It's giving me the knowledge to make different choices. Now I find myself just dropping old habits and making new ones. Anxiety has melted away to a large extent. And somehow doing things that 'aren't in my pleasure' has become doable because I am not whipping and forcing myself into them anymore."

Ready for more joy and clarity in everything you do? Join us.

Workshop: "Foundations of Pleasure: Finding What Feels Alive" March 23rd

Pleasure offers clear direction and is one of the most profound tools for connecting with your intuition. But, do you know what feeling good feels like? So many of us only have a concept of what feels good, but this keeps us in our heads and cut off from our the wealth of information we have in our bodies. This workshop offers foundational practices for connecting with your embodied "yes" and "no" so you can easily access your very own internal guidance system. The exercises will be fun and accessible and you can return to them again and again to help you tap into a more connected, vibrant, grounded and aligned life. Perfect for anyone ready to deepen their connection to joy and make decisions with confidence and clarity.

Note: "Foundations of Pleasure" is included in the price of Tier 2 of The Great Pleasure Challenge. What a deal.


Already a "HELL YES, SIGN ME UP!"? Reply to this email to reserve your spot in any (or all!) of what's coming up. In the meantime be on the lookout for upcoming emails with registration information.



p.s. Because this was rolling through my head as I finished this email up, go head and give this a listen:

video preview

p.p.s. In honor of the upcoming Lunar New Year I'm offering a very exclusive in-person "Blue Dragon Sauna Ritual" on Saturday February 10th. Space is very limited. Email for details.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104
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Amelia Lord

In my newsletters you're going to hear a lot about pleasure as a revolutionary pathway towards radical living, where "pleasure" signals a state of deep contentment and rightness. Subscribe if you are looking for permission, inspiration and direction in connecting with yourself and creating a life defined by profound fulfillment, alignment, and authentic self-connection.

Read more from Amelia Lord

Welp, my darling Reader, the time has finally come. I woke up two mornings ago and realized I wouldn't be offering The Great Pleasure Challenge again. Something has been in the process of shifting over the last few weeks and whatever mysterious mechanism at play in my body and my energetic field made its last incremental move and clunked into place with a visceral thud. My response surprised me a little: "Huh. Okay." And then I got up and made myself some coffee. I loved the Challenge so much...

My vibrant dewdrop, Reader I have this super idealistic idea that TikTok could save the world. Just bear with me. So, TikTok has this profound potential to break down barriers and show people as they truly are, rather than through filtered and curated images (I KNOW there's going to be a pile-on about this "unfiltered" statement. And to that I say: bring it on). It's able to connect people from different backgrounds with directness and simplicity and lack of artifice that I think is just so...

My dearest crumpet, Before every Pleasure Challenge I wonder if I need to do a rebrand, because “pleasure” is such a loaded word and people are bound to misunderstand. (truly, this happens pretty much every time) You see, the Great Pleasure Challenge is thusly named because I’m a literal biscuit and because asking “is this in my pleasure” and then proceeding (or not, depending on your answer) is what actually happens. You see, the Pleasure Challenge isn’t about having more pleasure in your...