New Workshop Deets and all the goodies

Reader, My coziest pair of slippers!

If you've been waiting with bated breath since my last email to hear more about the next workshop I'M SO SORRY PLEASE BREATHE NOW!

Whew. It's finally here, you can stop turning purple. I'm so excited to tell you more.

Drop the Good-Girl (or Good-Boy) Conditioning: An Easy Peasy Program for Fixing People-Pleasing For Good

If you’ve ever:

  • Gone out with someone you didn’t want to just so you would be able to say that you gave it a fair shot before ultimately rejecting them.
  • Carried on a text convo with monosyllabic responses, hoping they’d get the message without you having to say you’re not interested (and getting annoyed when they don’t seem to get it)
  • Ranted to your besties about your date woes but still put yourself through it again… and again.

Welcome to “How To Use Dating Apps To Cure People Pleasing.”

This is a straight-shooting, deep-dive into breaking the cycle of saying “yes” when you really wanna say “heck no.”

(if you’re all in and don’t need to read another word head to the Stripe checkout here)

This is About Feeling Good:

I was the queen of people-pleasing – my boundaries were either non-existent or totally unyielding. And guess what? Dating felt like a minefield. Opening up an app felt like getting ready to do battle. Until I completely flipped the script and used dating apps as my dojo. I finally untangled my people-pleasing from those charged 1:1 interactions and forever changed my relationship to relationships. Now, I’m here to pull back the curtain so you can experience what's luscious, alive and fun too.

Here’s the Scoop:

  • Real Skills: We’re rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty with exercises for attuning to what feels good, tolerating discomfort, and connecting with a sense of safety in our bodies so we can finally have more authentic interactions with ourselves and potential cuties.
  • Feel What Actually Lights You Up: This method will give you the tools you need to discover and uncover what really excites you, when you’re not worried about what other people want or what they think. And will supply you with the skills you need to find your co-conspirators in delight and life.
  • Newfound Mojo: Walk away with an exciting way to set boundaries you can live with and the confidence to back them up.
  • From People-Pleasing to Treating People like Human Beings: Infuse your interactions with humanity and treat the person on the other end of the match ethically while still making sure that having your own back is top priority. We get to drop the people-pleasing while actually becoming better people.
  • Zero Regrets: Say goodbye to dread-filled dates and hello to ones you're actually psyched about, all while using your pleasure as your safety net.

The Need To Know:

Who’s This For?

If you’ve ever wished for a way to stop the endless cycle of people-pleasing in your love life, it’s for you. Whether you’re a dating app newbie or a seasoned swiper, if you’re all about growing and glowing, you’re in the right place. If you feel anxious and overwhelmed (and maybe even resentful) when it comes to navigating romance, welcome home.

Note: while you very well might meet the love of your life, this workshop is NOT about finding your soulmate or ensuring you find your dream partner. It is about dismantling the dynamics that keep you from being your honest and authentic self in your romantic life (and beyond).

It’s about helping you move from fear to fulfillment. You do not need to be ready to go all-in on dating apps, however being willing to spend some time on them is helpful (though not necessary).

This Is Not About Going On Dates (Necessarily!)

Dating apps are particularly helpful with this unique methodology because they provide distance in space and time, which makes room to deactivate the fight-or-flight response that keeps most of us jumping to people-pleasing in the first place. It’s an experimental approach that requires a laboratory, and dating apps are a great spot for practice and testing essential tools that will undo the predilection for people-pleasing.

AGAIN: you do not have to date anyone or even WANT to date anyone to benefit from this workshop or this methodology. In fact, being unattached from finding an ideal-partner (or being able to put that goal aside for a time) will give you a major leg up.

Ready to Jump In?

Grab your spot by clicking here for the Stripe Checkout.

Ready to Go All In?

This workshop absolutely stands on its own for effectiveness. And if you want to make a major impact and deepen your pleasure-loving, pleasure-as-guide embodiment you’ll likely want to join two more experiences:

  • March 9th - 30th - The Pleasure Challenge, a three-week container where you’ll get to deepen your pleasure-loving, pleasure-as-guide embodiment. (For those who haven’t experienced this yet, more details will come later unless you want to hit Reply and ask for more information now. 🙂)
  • March 24th - Foundations of Pleasure workshop

You can ala carte that ish (to the tune of $445) but there’s a tidy bundle that includes ALL THREE EXPERIENCES for $275.

I love you. I believe in you. I can't wait to see you there.



p.s. For those of you who like to skip to the bottom for the tl;dr "How To Use Dating Apps To Cure People-Pleasing" is February 24th and you can grab your spot here. You will be a different person by April. And I’m here for it.

p.p.s. Please share this email! I would love to have 30 people in this workshop because I looooooove having a full house with all the energy and dynamism. Come along and spread the word! For our collective liberation!

Amelia Lord

In my newsletters you're going to hear a lot about pleasure as a revolutionary pathway towards radical living, where "pleasure" signals a state of deep contentment and rightness. Subscribe if you are looking for permission, inspiration and direction in connecting with yourself and creating a life defined by profound fulfillment, alignment, and authentic self-connection.

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