My Sweet, Are You Reacting or Responding?

Reader, my little flame,

The key difference between being a reactive people-pleasing “good girl” and being a kind, generous, loving human being (even though the actions may appear exactly the same) is in the brief pause of checking in with myself and doing what squares with my heart and gut.

The truth is I genuinely love a lot of the actions associated with being a “good girl” and a people-pleaser. They delight me.

(If you know me irl you also know this to be true)

But if I don’t first take the time and space to check in with my body, I’m betraying myself at a fundamental level. I’m operating without attention to my boundaries and capacities. I’m setting myself up for burnout or resentment. And I’m probably gaslighting myself about whether or not I’m really all-in on whatever I’m doing.

(And that is exactly what I did for YEARS)

This is where I turn to pleasure as a crucial checkpoint. It’s not just about feeling happy about what I’m doing for other people and how I’m able to help them, it’s not about how I’m satisfied that I’m fulfilling a meaningful role in my community. I use pleasure as a litmus test to make sure my actions are not just reactions, they are choices that I feel right with on a body, mind and soul level.

Pleasure helps move us from a reactive state to responsive one. It is the measure against which all my actions and decisions are evaluated to make sure they align with my intrinsic values, my limits and my desires.

We’re going for internal harmony over external validation. This is how pleasure provides a direct route through and out of people-pleasing to a more aligned and authentic and generous reality.

4 years ago this was the approach I took to sort out my reactive, knee-jerk people-pleasing in the last remaining part of my life: with men and dating.

I set up a place to practice interactions with the safety of distance in time and space (amazing that Tinder is both free and accessible right through my phone).

I allowed my animal body to do all the things it would do when dealing with men who were potentially interested in me. I had one simple guiding principle I followed: all of my actions had to pass the Pleasure Test. And I watched all the people-pleasing dynamics just…fall away. No more anxious, fearful scrambling. I came out the other side with more peace and ease in my body:

  • Able to talk to anyone.
  • Able to say no SO EASILY and simply.
  • Able to say yes without any whispers of regret.
  • Able to communicate clearly and thereby avoid ever being confused.

So, this is what we’re doing in this Saturday’s workshop. I’ll show you how to do all of it.

If you felt a little whisper of “oh yes. That would be such a relief” I trust you to follow what feels right.

You can register here for just the workshop this weekend.

Or you can register here for the Mega Pleasure Bundle that includes Saturday's workshop "How to Use Dating Apps to Cure People-Pleasing" as well as The Great Pleasure Challenge (3 weeks) starting March 9th and "Foundations of Pleasure: Finding What Feels Alive."

I hope to see your bright, shining face there.



Amelia Lord

In my newsletters you're going to hear a lot about pleasure as a revolutionary pathway towards radical living, where "pleasure" signals a state of deep contentment and rightness. Subscribe if you are looking for permission, inspiration and direction in connecting with yourself and creating a life defined by profound fulfillment, alignment, and authentic self-connection.

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